Tips for passing the CMAcert exam
24 December 2015

No one likes to sit exams, but to reach that particular career goal it is usually a necessity, especially when you are looking to move forward in the financial sector. If you are looking to gain your Competent Adviser Status, then the CMAcert will help you towards achieving that all important sign off. When you have completed all five mandatory units you will go on to take your formal assessment to gain your full Competent Mortgage Adviser Certificate. When preparing for your exam it can be easy to fall in to bad habits, so here are Simply Academy’s top tips to help you pass your CMAcert exam:
Revising will help you recall the details you have learnt throughout your studies and unlock the information you have stored up throughout the course. Set yourself a timetable to work to and if there are any areas you want to spend a little more time on, work that in to your plan. Remember to give yourself a break during revision periods as sometimes trying to cram in too much at once can have a negative effect. Don’t feel guilty for taking a break, we all learn better if we feel relaxed and refreshed.
Create the right environment
When you are ready to sit your CMAcert exam, try to create a sensible environment where you can sit in comfort with no distractions around you and give your full attention to the exam. Sometimes this can be difficult if you are taking your exam at home or in the office, but by creating a quite space somewhere will not only help you put your full concentration into your exam but will also ensure you are feeling relaxed and ready.
Read through the questions
As you progress through the CMAcert exam remember to read through each question carefully before answering as it can be very easy to misinterpret a question if you are feeling flustered or rushing to finish. Take your time and make sure you fully understand the question before reading over the answers available.
Positive Attitude
It may sound obvious, but when faced with an exam it can be easy to start having negative thoughts which can impact your exam result without you even realising. You have studied the material, you have a thorough understanding of what is required of you as a competent mortgage adviser, so you need to go into your exam with a positive attitude that you are ready to pass.
Simply Academy strive to provide the best training for our students which is why we have created the Competent Mortgage Adviser Certificate course to help our students reach their full potential in gaining the career they have always wanted. To find out more about the CMAcert course, please get in touch with our friendly support team for more information.
The CMAcert programme has been withdrawn and is not currently open to new enrolments.