What is involved in a Mortgage Adviser Apprenticeship?
17 May 2019

When you provide a mortgage adviser apprenticeship within your organisation, you invest in cost-effective training that adds skills to your team. It’s a fantastic way of boosting expertise as well as morale amongst staff.
However, if the idea of apprenticeships is a little daunting, don’t worry. Simply Academy are on hand to help you understand what’s involved. If you then decide it’s something you’d like to take further, we’re here to help with every stage of funding, recruitment (if necessary) and training your apprentice.
What is a mortgage adviser apprenticeship?
It’s likely that you’ve heard of apprenticeships, but you may not realise how perfect they are for the financial services industry.
An apprenticeship is a combination of paid work and training, resulting in a skilled, experienced professional. At Simply Academy, we train mortgage adviser apprentices in CeMAP (Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice), which is the benchmark qualification for the industry. If you choose us to provide your apprenticeship training, we’ll offer our experience, expertise and dedication to help your candidate complete their apprenticeship programme to become a highly skilled, professionally qualified mortgage adviser.
What will my apprentice learn?
The unique and brilliant thing about mortgage adviser apprenticeships is that candidates learn a full range of job-specific skills, knowledge and behaviours, such as communication and relationship development skills, industry and product knowledge, as well as professional and problem-solving behaviours. As well as earning a CeMAP qualification, they complete the apprenticeship confident and competent to continue working in the demanding financial sector.
Is it cost effective?
Mortgage adviser apprenticeships are appealing to candidates for several reasons. One of these reasons is that they don’t have to pay for their study and are able to earn a wage while training. However, as an employer you may wonder who pays the bill.
The apprenticeship levy
If you have an annual payroll bill of £3 million plus, then you already pay into a pot of money specifically reserved for apprenticeship training. If you don’t use this money, you will lose it, so taking on an apprentice is a sound business decision.
Government funding
The government are keen to encourage apprenticeship training and offer generous financial support to employers. Simply Academy can help you understand and claim what’s available to you.
Employer contribution
After all the funding options are applied, there may be a fraction of the training cost left to pay. That bill is met by the employer. However, this small contribution towards essential skills is a huge investment in your workforce, business and the industry as a whole.
When you consider the fantastic results these training schemes deliver, apprenticeships are an extremely cost effective way of adding highly valuable skills to your team.
How do I appoint an apprentice?
At Simply Academy we are specialists in apprenticeship training for the financial sector and we are here to help you find and train the right candidate for the job. You may not realise that you are able to place an existing member of staff on a mortgage adviser apprenticeship which will help boost staff development and reduce potentially lengthy recruitment processes. As long as your current employee is aged 16+, lives in England with a right to work here, and is employed for 30+ hours per week, it’s likely they are eligible for training.
Alternatively, if you’re looking for a brand new candidate, we can advertise your position, screen and interview candidates then present you with a shortlist to consider.
Whichever route you take to find the perfect candidate, we will help you every step of the way.
Find out more
If you’d like to find out more about mortgage adviser apprenticeships and how Simply Academy can support you, get in touch. Our friendly team will be happy to discuss your unique requirements.